Fight Poverty and Hunger


The Full Gospel Trust of India, makes a multipronged attack on poverty. It equips the poor to have hands-on skill to earn a respectable living, save for future and family needs and connect them with banks and financial institutions to avail loan and start with petty businesses and expand from thereon. It engages and empowers women from the community through its Projects such as Nari MaryadaHifazat and Nai Roshni. The main aim of these projects are to empower 5000 women and their families by engaging them in Self Help Groups. More than 250 Self Help Groups have been formed under these projects and they have been synchronized with income generation programs. Under these project small loans are given to members of the groups especially the most deserving ones. The loans are thereafter repaid with low rate of interest in installments. This has been instrumental in uplifting their social and economic conditions and pull them out of the poverty situation. These projects are operational in the slums and resettlement colonies of Delhi and a host of villages in the district of Aligarh in the state of Uttar Pradesh and East Singbhum district of Jharkhand in India.

In order to fight poverty it also provides rural and urban women and boys with income generation skills through impartation of various trainings so that they themselves can start some small businesses and make themselves and their families financially strong. The TFG Trust organized various Income Generation skill Trainings such as candle making, phenol making, washing powder, Vaseline making training, beauty culture, cutting and tailoring Nutrition and food making training, etc. under different projects such as Nari MaryadaHifazatNai Roshni and COVID CARE. After successful trainings they avail  loans and thus come out of their poverty net.


Our organization fights hunger that exists amidst all our target areas goes unabated. We ensure that no one (especially children) goes to bed hungry. In our efforts, we provide mid day meal to hundreds of children in various states in India, we teach their mothers to cook nutritious meal with the available items in their kitchen and with minimum expenditures. If needed we supply raw food materials to the hungry families too. More details can be found in our Project Nai Roshni.

During COVID we supplied dry rations to thousands of families so that no one remains hungry. We also distributed cooked meals for one whole month to many hundreds of families and also supplied cooked meals to fleeing migrating labors  More details can be found in COVID care program.