It is a great opportunity for us to introduce The Full Gospel Trust of India (TFGTI) which is a Christian Development, Relief and Advocacy Organization registered in New Delhi as a Charitable Trust in 1995. TFGTI is a credible and competent NGO and a voice for the voiceless, that works for the welfare and upliftment of the poor, downtrodden, neglected, victimized and abused section of Indian Society, irrespective of their linguistic, ethnicity or religious backgrounds. TFGTI is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations. In achieving the same we work in partnership with other national and international NGOs and Government of India and other state governments.

Our Reach
TFGTI wish to congratulate each one of you who have stood with us though our struggles and successes to actualize our dreams and vision during these 25 years that have gone by. This is our Silver Jubilee year, and we thank God and all our friends, partners, team members and volunteers who have made it possible. As a responsible and responsive NGO, we stand committed to join hands with our government and the people of India to steer our country out of this crises. The strong contribution that we have made may be like a drop in the ocean, but it certainly a life changing experience for the thousands whose families and lives we have been able to impact. The Full Gospel Trust of India encourages young volunteers to contribute their time, skills and energies to enhance the work being carried out at the grass root level. We are happy to record that in the twenty-five years since our inception, we have grown from placing a handful of full time staffs, part time staffs volunteers/interns with partner NGOs, to forging new collaborations, partnerships and programs in order to strengthen our sustainable development programs.
Mainstream Projects
By Our Experienced Team16
Women Skilled (In Lakhs)
All Community4.5
Projects Finished
All Community Development150
Impacted Beneifiriciries (In Crores)
Women, Men, Children, Adult1
Ongoing Programmes
- COVID Care
- Health & Education
- Women Empowerment
- Clean Water & Wash
- Fight Human Trafficking

COVID-19 or the CORONA virus hit India in February and by March, 2020 it became a point of great concern for the country. The Full Gospel Trust of India immediately jumped into action. During the reporting period it took the burden of creating mass awareness on itself. The staff got in touch with the district administration and police and developed various IEC materials to engage the general masses about this pandemic and the virus. TFGTI immediately went door to door to educate people and distribute IEC materials, soap and sanitizers to at least 5000 people, distributed 6000 food packets and fed everyday meal to more than 1lakh people in various states. By the end of March the pandemic had taken a nasty turn and TFGTI continued its battle against the virus.
Health & Education
The Full Gospel Trust has been focusing on Reproductive Health Care of the young and adolescent girls and women in all our target areas for last many years. From this year we have started making sanitary pads for girls and women at a very low cost through our SHGs and making it available to all women and girls that need it and that to an affordable rate. This is inculcating in women and girls a hygienic living condition. Regular health camps are organized by the TFG Trust in the community to address the health needs of deprived community people. Health checkups are conducted which includes dental care and eye checkups. The main emphasis is given to children from the community. After health checkups, medicines are provided to patients and to children, tonics are also provided to them to improve their health, so that community people and children can lead a healthy life.

Women Empowerment
The Full Gospel Trust of India is committed for the empowerment, safety and security of girl children and women in Delhi and else where. Since last 8 years through its “Save Women – Save Delhi” programme, the TFG Trust has been bringing in awareness amongst women, and girls about their legal rights and how and where to exercise the same. It has been able to develop a response mechanism that evokes promptness in addressing the issue of safety and security of women and girls in schools and communities and in partnership with the Women cells, Mahila Mandals, Delhi Police, Child welfare Councils, Central and State Council of Women. It has also developed a strong network of NGOs working for the same cause in the target area.
Clean Water & Wash
WASH is the abbreviation for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene are essential components of providing basic health services. The provision of WASH in health care facilities serves to prevent infections and spread of disease, protect people and patients, and uphold the dignity of vulnerable populations including pregnant women and the disabled. TFGTI has undertaken initiatives during these year to provide safe and potable drinking water in areas that are suffering due to lack of proper supply of drinking water. It has begun its operation installing Hand Tube Wells Delhi, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand in India as well as in Nepal where two water purifier system have been installed in Delhi and it is supplying regular clean, potable drinking water to thousands on a day to day basis.

Fight Human Trafficking
Our Full Gospel Trust of India launched one more project during the lock down period in "Dooars" region of North Bengal in India. The project named "Redeemed" aims at fighting Trafficking of human beings, specially women, girl and children for sex and labour and organ transplant purposes. This project aims at raising awareness in the Tea Gardens of Jalpaiguri district in Bengal and the adjoining country Nepal. "Redeemed" has been launched on 15 October this year and is engaged in creating awareness among the residents of the Tea Garden named New Glenco and it will spread out from there to other gardens. Apart from creating awareness among the villagers, it will also address various religious leaders so that they educate their members and followers to join hands with us and check this menace. Our next field for engagement in such cause is in Simdegah, Jharkhand. Kindly support this cause and pray and partake in the project.
Program Gallery