“We Ensure Smile On Every Face”

TFGTI started its mission in early 1994 by a group of social activists from different organization and since then contributing in the area of Health, Education, Livelihood creation, sustainable development, Female literacy, formal education for children, non-formal education, rural employment, income generation skills, SHG formation, community health and awareness program and capacity building of the social sector organizations . The activities reach out to poor and marginalized, women, adolescents and disadvantaged from the rural and urban areas.
The focus is not on transference of a massage but on working with community to develop appropriate message. TFGTI believes in participatory approach and works accordingly for the effective and sustainable development. People from the community should be involved at every stage of development process from the problem and need identification to project formulation, implementation, monitoring & Evaluation. TFGTI firmly believes that the people’s participation leads to long-term efficiency, cost effectiveness, self- reliance, grass root initiatives and finally to enhance the community level organizational capacity.
TFGTI is known for its accountability and honesty. We are determined to participate with the global community and assist the government of India and other state governments in their efforts to provide quality life to Indian people including children and women by transforming their life situations through a sustained development approach.